Jenny Taplin is an experienced paralegal in Business and Patent Litigation who brings precision and enthusiasm to every case. Jenny assists in all phases of complex litigation including document review, production, privilege logs, management of case files, deposition preparation, summary judgment motions, prepares trial exhibits and notebooks, maintains expert binders, assists in settlement procedures, post-trial matters and appellate procedures. She also understands the workings of Section 337 investigations with the U.S. International Trade Commission.
Jenny received her Associate of Applied Science Degree from Minnesota School of Business. Jenny has strong technology skills in Relativity, Westlaw Case Notebook, iPro Eclipse SE Administration duties and some LAW Prediscovery. She is also Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) trained.
We take the same approach for any commercial litigation - from business to business disputes to high-profile, bet-the-company, and procedurally difficult cases that affect business success and vitality of international corporations, small businesses, or individual owners.